
Interpretation services

Effective communication is necessary to ensure that the Commission can give guidance and gather information in a case. Persons who lack knowledge of the Norwegian language may need an interpreter. Using interpreters ensures that language barriers do not prevent fair procedure. 

We are responsible for ensuring that the interpreters are qualified. 

It is important that you inform us in your application if you need an interpreter and what language you speak. 

We select interpreters from the National Register of Interpreters, available at As far as possible, the Commission will select the interpreter most qualified for the specific tasks. In special cases, where an authorized interpreter is not available due to the language spoken or other circumstances, the Commission will choose an interpreter who satisfies the minimum criteria for registration in the National Register. 

The Commission also ensures that the interpreter selected is impartial.  

In most cases, in-person interpretation will be used. If this is not possible, interpretation by phone or video may be an option. 

The costs of interpretation are covered by the Commission.